Thursday, March 15, 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wrigh was an American architect who designed more than 1,000 structures and comleted 500 works.
He followed something he called organic architecture which meant he believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and the environment.
His design "Fallingwater" has been called "the best all-time work of American architecture".
He designed many of the interior elements of his buildings like furniture and stained glass.

An architect works by planning and designing buildings. People who would work for them would probably be a receptionists, an accountant, a boss, someone to run their errands, construction people and other people I can't think of off the top of my head.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ben's Bell

A women named Jeannette and her family lost their 3 year old son/brother named Ben in 2002. He was only 3. They were devestated and just wanted to die. The kindness of other people such as family, friends, or even people they didn't know helped heal them. Whether it was just flashing a smile, opening the door for her, or just a simple hello or good morning helped her heal. So they started an orginization called Ben's Bells in memory of their son and also to reassure people that the act of kindness is very powerful. They hang bells in random places for people to find with a note attatched that tells them to take the bell home and to pass on the kindness. Also working with the UofA program step up, they hand out hand-made clay bracelets that say step up and be kind. They're goal is to spread around the message of kindness and hope that everyone get's it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year Video

My News Today

A women gave birth to twins who won't sure a birth day or birth year. Stephanie Peterson gave birth to a baby boy on New Year's eve which is 2011, then at 12:26 New years day 2012, she gave birth to his twin sister.

Best of 2011

According to MTV the best music of the year was Dubstep. It's cool that it isnt underground anymore but people only like it and listen to it like people wear trends. They don't like it because they LIKE it, they like it because everyone else does which gets me kind of mad.

The best movie of 2011 is Hunger Games.

This years fashion had to go to the fashionista herself Lady Gaga.

The TV show of the year that ran from start to finish was Game of Thrones.

Well..I couldnt reallly find a best car of 2011. But I remember hearing on their commercial that the Kia Soul was the best car of the year.

The athlete of 2011 would have to be Green Bay's Aaron Rogers.