Monday, February 23, 2015


Notarizing is the act of officially certifying a legal document by a notary public. The purpose of having a legal document notarized is to ensure the authenticity of signatures that appear on the document.

The responsibilities of notarizing a document are:
  • Verify the signatures only. In some cases the notary can administer the oath so the person can sign under the oath and ensuring that the person who signs the document is who they say they are.
3 ways to verify the signers identity:
    • Personal Knowledge
    • Credible witness
    • Identification card or papers

The process to becoming a notary:
  • Decide whether you want the legal training
  • Determine whether your criminal record could leave you ineligible
  • If you are applicable, find out whether your state requires any notary classes before you apply.
  • Take the state-mandated notary exam
  • Check with your state to officials to determine who is responsible for your licensing
  • Apply and await an acceptance or rejection from the appropriate state department
  • Comply with all laws of your state as they apply to the Notary
  • Market yourself by equipping yourself with your states tools

Wednesday, February 4, 2015



The purpose of a meeting agenda is to keep the meeting on track and share information with others so things are done more efficiently. It helps to have control over the meeting and with productivity because people will leave knowing what must be accomplished.

Meeting Minutes

Keeping track of the meeting minutes is a way to document the discussions held at the meeting. It contains what has been accomplished, what needs to be accomplished, reports given and issues brought up. It also helps when creating minutes for future meetings to better flow.