Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day

Labor Day
Labor day is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. it's always on the first Monday of September.
The Government recognized Labor Day in 1885.
The founder of Labor Day is Grover Cleveland.
Activities that occur on labor day are street parades, festivals and things t=just to amuse the workers and their families.
I will celebrate labor day by not going to school and just relaxing on the three day weekend.


Monday, August 25, 2014

The Social Responsibility of Business

Social responsibility refers to the idea that companies and corporations should contribute wealth or resources solely dedicated to the improvement of society as a whole.

Communities are a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

Environment is the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings.

Stakeholders are a person or group that has an investment, share, or interest in something, as a business or industry.

Closure: I think a business incorporates social responsibility into their business plan because their customers at any time can say that they put their profit before the people and destroy the earth making their products. It can make them go out of business if it goes far enough.  When they take into account that they have responsibility to society they can be smart about how they manufacture their products. Since they do somewhat destroy the environment, giving back is the least they can do. Whether it's charity, the employees working conditions, helping the environment, etc.

The Social Responsibility of Dunkin' Brands
 Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins Franchises across the country have a foundation to serve the basic need of their communities through food for the hungry, safety and children’s health.

The Business Ethic Case
Chantale should tell a higher authority that would take the matter more seriously.
I think that when the company you're employed at is potentially harming the community, that's the limit that's hit when it comes to loyalty.
Yes, I think it would make a difference if Chantale was in a position of high authority, she feels strongly that's it's wrong and also knows it's illegal. I'm sure she would do her best to stop it.
It would also make a difference if she had scientific expertise because when she talked to the company's operation manager she said it's barely harming anyone, if she had the knowledge behind it she could defend her point on why it's a serious problem.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Five Functions of Management

The Five Main Functions of Management are: Planning- Decisions made about the goals and how you're going to reach them. In planning there are three steps to it 1.Before: Management must decide on the concept, location, service. etc. 2.Day-to-day planning: Actual running of business 3.Future: planning for the future of the business helps the business decide how it to grow and keep up with changes. Organizing- The manager will organize how to execute tasks that need to be done sometimes by dividing up the tasks to be done in divisions. Staffing- staffing consists of 6 processes: 1.Recruiting: Looking for qualified workers 2.Hiring: Learning about job applicants to find out if they're the right fit for the job. 3.Training: Providing workers with specific education to help them do their jobs. 4.Scheduling: what time workers will perform certain tasks. 5.Evaluating: