Friday, August 15, 2014

Five Functions of Management

The Five Main Functions of Management are: Planning- Decisions made about the goals and how you're going to reach them. In planning there are three steps to it 1.Before: Management must decide on the concept, location, service. etc. 2.Day-to-day planning: Actual running of business 3.Future: planning for the future of the business helps the business decide how it to grow and keep up with changes. Organizing- The manager will organize how to execute tasks that need to be done sometimes by dividing up the tasks to be done in divisions. Staffing- staffing consists of 6 processes: 1.Recruiting: Looking for qualified workers 2.Hiring: Learning about job applicants to find out if they're the right fit for the job. 3.Training: Providing workers with specific education to help them do their jobs. 4.Scheduling: what time workers will perform certain tasks. 5.Evaluating:

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