Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I.D. Theft

Identity Theft
  • Last year more than 20% of cases reported dealing with identity theft were filed by young adults, usually between the ages of 18 and 24.
  • The individuals being victimized don't realize that it's happening, it takes the average college-aged victim four and a half months to realize their identity has been stolen.
  • Sometimes when sensitive mail is sent to students, the school mailboxes aren't secure so anyone can easily access it.
  • Identity theft occurs most with college-aged individuals more than any other group and is a major problem across the United States.
Ways to Prevent Identity Theft
  • Don't give out personal information
  • Keep credit/debit cards secure 
  • Instead of mail being sent to the school mailboxes, have it sent to a permanent address.
  • Check all bank and credit card statements regularly.

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