Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Business Documents

Meeting Agenda: A meeting agenda is used to list the activities or topics that will be discussed in the order they are in at the meeting. It helps to keep them on track, it begins with the call and ends with adjournment.

Meeting Minutes: Notes taken about the meeting including the people who attended, the events of the meeting, statement of the issues participants bring up, related responses and decisions for the issue.
Travel Itinerary: A documentation of the route you plan on taking when going out of town.
Purchase Order: A document from the buyer to the seller describing the products type, quantity, and agreed prices for the products or services.
Invoice: Services provided or a list of goods sent with the amount due for them. A bill.


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  2. For my business documents I use Ideals virtual data room. It helps to manage all documents and make management very efficient. I suppose for company it is very useful.
