Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Favorite things
well... My favorite thing is music, texting, hangning out with my friends and yeah. Spending time with my family as well, especially playing games and being with my neice and nephew. I also like playing video games and watching movies. I'm a movie person I guess :p oh and I also like photography and fooood!!! <3

I love animals. I don't harm them. I dont really have a favorite animal. But some of them I do like are penguins and pandas! I liked penguins ever sonce Happy Feet came out. You know that cute little movie with the dancing penguins. As for pandas, Im not even sure how I first started liking them. I think theyre cuter as babies thiough..OH! I remeber why I like them. Its because theyre lazy and eat a lot just like me! My moms the one that told me that and ever since then I sort of liked them.

Flat out I just like playing softball and basketball sometimes. Softball I've played with a team but I havent yet with basketball. I first started liking and playing softball when my tata inrtroduced me to it. I hope to get a sports scholarship and play for the UofA. But I played this last saturday and I'm extremely rusty. I hadnt even picked up my glove or a ball since June.
What we want
Well I think thats an opinion. What people want varies on the person. I think they probably want all the things listed. such as electronics, fashion, sporting goods, and a car. Well, sporting goods not so much unless your acvtive and would use them. But other than that yeah. Probably everything on the list. I would personally like fashion and a car because I love clothes and I really don't like riding the crowded boring old bus. So that's probably me, and a majority of girls and boys everywhere who don't have cars.
Not really me, but if you like it hey, why not?
Where I'd like to travel
Well first off there's a lot of places I'd like to travel but it's a lot colder there than here. If that wasnt a problem I think I'd want to go to Paris or just California. Preferably Disneyland because my mom told me they decorate really pretty over there for the Christmas Holiday.
I want to go to Paris because it looks very pretty, classic, and I would like to see and visit the Eifle Tower.

Okay so it's pretty self explanitory why I want to go to Disneyland. It looks soooo pretty and colorful. It looks like it'd be nice to see. My parents liked it a lot so I dont see why I wouldnt.
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